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50 random facts about me!


I thought it would be fun to do the '50 facts about me tag'!

50 Facts about me:

1. Full name:

Marieke is my first name and Helene is my third name and the rest is private ;)

2. Age:

I am 16 years old!

3. What does you name mean?:

Marieke means: Sea, bitter/sad hahaha

Also I believe Marieke sort of descended from Maria.

Helene means: flambeau

4. Where are you from?:

From Holland!

5. What is your favorite holiday destination?:

New York City! I love NY! But for a summer destination something warm and sunny! Like Spain!

6. What is your favorite sport?:

Going for a run! So running

7. Are you a dog or a cat person?:

Actually I am a bit scared of cats and some dogs but I LOVE LABRADOODLES!

8. Are you scared of heights?:

No, but I am not sure haha

9. What is at the top of your bucket list?:

Going to New York in my gap year!

10. What is something you look for in a guy?:

Sportive, sweet, funny, hot, trustful, respectful and positive ;)

11. Do you drink alcohol?:


12. Do you smoke?:


13. What is the one item you can't leave home without?:

My Phone, I guess

14. What is the first movie you remember seeing?:

Something from Disney, a princes movie!

15. What is the last book you read?:

The Fault in our Stars

16. Do you like pets?:

I don't know haha, I love labradoodles tho!

17. Do you have any pets?:

Yes, 2 rabbits, Kiki and Fuzzy haha

18. What is your eye color?:

Well, my eyes are mixed colors, mostly green and brown but a bit of blue and grey as well!

19. What is your height?:

1,78 / 5'10

20. Whats is your favorite music genre?:

Pop music!

21. What are your nickname(s)?:

Mar or Marrie or Miepie or Miep

22. What is your favorite type of clothing?:

Something fashion!

23.What is your star sign?:


24. Favorite High School Musical song?:

Everything of HSM! But my favorite is something with Troy and Gabriella!

25. When was the first tame you were on a plane?:

I think when I was 6 months, when I went to Spain!

26. Who is your favorite musician?:

Shawn Mendes, atm I think!

27. Who is your favorite DJ?:


28. Who was you first Celebrity Crush you can remember?:

Zac Efron in HSM 3;)

29. Describe your self in one sentence:

I am a hard working, positive, sweet, sportive, loving, sensitive, fashion and NYC loving girl, who has a lot of perseverance and never stop until she get what she dreams of!

30. Last time you swam in a pool?:

2 Months ago, when I was in Spain

31. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your fashion sense?:

I think something like a 7-8, I love fashion but it always can be improved!

32.On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your driving skills?:

I don't have my driver license, but I can drive pretty good on the private ground ;)

33. The first app you check in the morning?:

The news app, RTLNieuws

34. At what time do you wake up?:

On weekdays I wake up at 07:25 am or 08:20 am, depends on my schedule and on the weekend I wake up at 09:30 am, when my alarm goes off, I immediately get out of my bed and start my day, no snoozing for me!

35. What app do you use the most?:


36. What countries have you visited?:

America, Curaçao, Spain, France, Canary Islands, Belgium, Great- Britain, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Holland, where I live

37. Favorite city in Holland?:


38. What is your Favorite serie on Netlix?:

Gossip Girl & Prison Break

39. Favorite languages?:

Spanish, I would love to speak Spanish!

40. What countries/ cities would you like to visit?:

I would love to go to South- Africa, Australia, Cuba, Bali, Canada, Milan, Portugal, Lisbon, London, New York, LA, Japan, Maldives :)

41. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?:

A save place for everyone with no hate and respect for everyone and that everyone can chase his/her dreams!

42. In the future, would you like to have kids?:

If I am blessed and healthy to have kids I would love to have kids, but for now, no thanks ahaha, I am only 16!

43. Favorite jewelry?:

I think a ring, but also a watch and earrings haha

44, Favorite place in your house?:

My sleeping room or the couch

45. What annoys you the most?:

Negativity and not respecting someone else in his/her choices and how they are as a person. And war!

46. What makes you happy?:

Sun, flowers, friends, love, Netflix, NYC, traveling, accomplish something, chase my dreams and more

47. Do you have a stuffed animal/ cuddling pet?:

Yes (Blush, blush) a rabbit and a little donkey haha

48. Favorite day of the week?:

FriYaY! Fridays!

49. What is your favorite fragrance?

I love Chanel fragrances, my all time favorites are Mademoiselle or Chance Eau Tendre!

50. Last question, what do you want in life?

I want to be successful in where I dream of/ plan to, live in NYC and later on in my own deigned house, have a boyfriend, be happy, have some good friends, have fun, be a good person, support a charity, be independent, be healthy, get my dream job and be successful! And when I am older, like 30 or so I would love to have kids and get married haha

Hope that you liked these ' 50 facts about me' and that you know me a bit better know!

Lots of Love,



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